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Intervention Proves Successful in Protecting Appalachian Women From Cervical Cancer

An intervention created by a group of University of Kentucky faculty has proven successful in encouraging young women in an area of eastern Kentucky to complete the series of HPV vaccines to guard against cervical cancer. In 2012, cervical cancer affected approximately 12,000 women in the United States and was responsible for another 4,200 deaths.

My Old Kentucky Road

Roads are products of the places they wind through and have rich histories that modern drivers often ignore. Travelers have not always been able to take them for granted, however, particularly in the mountainous regions of Appalachia in the days before cars.

Appalachian Forum on Home Food Preservation in Eastern Kentucky

Interest in home gardening and food preservation practices have increased over the last several years, especially in urban areas. Three home producers from Appalachian Kentucky - Betty Tyra Gregory, Gary Rose, and Rowena Borders. The panel will be moderated by Lisa Conley, a graduate student also debuting her short film during the beginning of the forum.

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