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"Organismal Agency"

THM 116
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Denis Walsh | Hosts: Ian (Fiona) Connelly and Dr. Ashley Seifert

WalshDr. Denis Walsh

Denis Walsh is Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Toronto. He completed a PhD in Biology at McGill University, Montreal and a PhD in Philosophy at Kings College, University of London. He is author of Organisms, Agency and Evolution (2105 Cambridge University Press)

Philosophers of biology and evolutionary biologists have recently begun to propound the view that organisms are agents and that understanding their agency should have a substantial impact on our understanding of the dynamics of evolution. This suggestion has been met with a fair degree of scepticism and consternation. The objective of this talk is to offer an overview of organismal agency. Questions to be discussed include: In what sense are organisms agents? In what ways might organismal agency alter our conception of evolution? How does organismal agency relate to proposals for an extended evolutionary synthesis? Is the agential perspective consistent with gene-centred modern synthesis thinking about evolution?

Walsh Flyer V.3.pdf (208.31 KB)