Upcoming Events
Event | Location | Time |
"Tapeworm Tails: Signals that drive Stem Cell-dependent Regeneration in Hymenolepis diminuta" | THM 116 | 2:00 pm |
Event | Location | Time |
"Evolution of Darwin’s Finches in the Galápagos Islands: Genomics Perspectives on Adaptation, Speciation, and Biological Invasion" | THM 116 | 2:00 pm |
Event | Location | Time |
How I Wrote It Series | Alumni Gallery | 1:30 pm |
Event | Location | Time |
"Using Ecological Network Theory to Inform Plant Species Selection for Conservation and Restoration Practice: a Case Study with Bee-plant Networks" | THM 116 | 2:00 pm |
UK Visiting Writers Series | GSC 331 | 6:30 pm |