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arts & sciences

A&S Merit Weekend 2013

The College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Kentucky offers the opportunity to work with renowned faculty in over forty varied departments. From Economics to Earth and Environmental Studies, A&S offers a hands-on educational experience, preparing you for a successful career after graduation.

War and Peace in Russia's Realms: A&S 100 with Karen Petrone

Later this spring, Professor Karen Petrone will begin teaching a new 7-week class as part of this year's Passport to the World Program: Reimagining Russia’s Realms. The class, A&S: 100 - War & Peace in Russia's Realms will explore the Russian and Soviet experience of World War I, the Russian Civil War, and World War II through literature, film, and history.

Bill Endres - Potentials for 3D in the Study of Manuscripts

Bill Endres talks about potentials for 3D in Manuscript Study. He has scanned the St. Chads Gospel manuscripts from the Lichfield Cathedral.

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