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Faculty & Staff Resources / Directors of Graduate Studies / T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowship

T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowship


T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowships For First-Year Graduate Students

T. Marshall Hahn has, in agreement with the College of Arts & Sciences, established an endowed T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowship Fund that provides a fellowship to attract outstanding Ph.D. students to the College of Arts & Sciences.  T. Marshall Hahn was awarded a B.S. in Physics from the University of Kentucky in 1945.  He has served as the President of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and as the Director of Georgia-Pacific Corporation.  For a brief biography click here.

The selection of the recipients and amount of the fellowship is determined by an Educational Policy Committee appointed by the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.  One fellowship of $2,500 per year is available to be used as “add-on” funding to supplement full fellowships or teaching/research assistantships offered to entering first-year graduate students. The T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowships will be disbursed in two equal checks of $1,250 in August and $1,250 in January.


  • Candidates must be entering first-year graduate students who intend to obtain a Ph.D. degree in any discipline in the College of Arts & Sciences.
  • Nominees must have achieved a minimum Verbal and Quantitative combined GRE score of 312 and a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.5 in a B.S. or B.A. program.
  • The fellowship is renewable for a total tenure of two years provided that (a) the recipient maintains their official graduate student standing in the College of Arts & Sciences and demonstrates satisfactory academic progress in core graduate courses; and (b) the recipient maintains a minimum accumulated GPA of 3.5.

Each department may nominate only one student for this fellowship. The nomination packet must include:

  • A completed fellowship nomination form (PDF here) specific to the T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Graduate Fellowship;
  • A letter of nomination from the Director of Graduate Studies of the student's home department (each Department could nominate only one student);
  • An additional letter of recommendation from a faculty member. This could be a photocopy or a recommendation letter submitted to the Graduate School for admission to UK;
  • A photocopy of the applicant's statement of purpose, if available.

A department could nominate 1st year T. Marshall Hahn Fellowship awardees for a second year.  This nomination requires only a letter from the DGS verifying good academic standing as outlined in the above Criteria for Eligibility. 

Please submit one electronic copy of the nomination with all appropriate documentation to Colleen.Knight, by March 22nd.