Wired Scavenger Hunt

One day after its grand opening, WIRED students with co-directors, Beth Ettensohn, Frank X. Walker, and Matthew W. Wilson visited the new UK Art and Visual Studies Building (SA\VS). Housed in a former historic tobacco processing plant, this 21st-century collaborative and innovative environment is just a short walk from WIRED’s home in Champions Court II. SA\VS is a multipurpose building designed to encourage collaborative innovation across the disciplines while building community.
After exploring the building, sharing pizza and taking their official group photo, students engaged in an art gallery scavenger hunt utilizing the Klikaklu app on their iPADS. The resulting group photographs may be viewed on the WIRED Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wireduky. This was the first of many future “WIRED Walks” designed to encourage students to explore new places and spaces together. After the evening of events, Beth Ettensohn said, “ I hope that our WIRED students will return to SA\VS to utilize these spaces for either fulfilling a degree or for just relaxing with their creative peers in communal areas.”