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Dean's Channel: A&S Wired with Cristina Alcalde and Jeff Rice

University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences Dean Mark Kornbluh sits down with professors Cristina Alcalde and Jeff Rice to talk about A&S Wired Residential College. Along with Psychology professor Nathan DeWall, Alcalde and Rice serve as co-Directors of UK's newest Living Learning Community. For more information on A&S Wired, visit A&S Wired is the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Residential College. The goal of the A&S Wired Residential College is to foster an environment that steeps students in the traditions of the liberal arts but harnesses the power of the digital age. This residential community will prepare students for the future by providing them with a flexible and dynamic skill set, instilling social responsibility, and enhancing their ability and freedom to co-construct knowledge globally and digitally.