“#MeToo, Digital and AI Technology, and Gendered Harms in the United States,” presented on my Roundtable on “#MeToo, Digital and AI Technology, and Resisting Oppression Across Borders and Disciplines: The United States, Italy, and South Korea,” XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (August 2024)
“Philosophy, Academic Philosophy, and the Berggruen Essay Prize,” Roundtable on “Berggruen Essay Prize Competition: Fostering East-West Philosophical Dialogues on Contemporary and Future Challenges,” XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (August 2024)
"Dao Holism, Hermeneutical Phenomenology, and the Current Crisis in Western Philosophy: Towards Philosophy that is Genuinely Relevant to Global Challenges," Roundtable on “East-West and Indigenous Dialogue on Philosophy’s Vocation, Social Innovation, and Technology,” XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (August 2024); (Invited) East and West Philosophy in Dialogue -- From Worldview to Sustainable Order, The Pari Center, Italy (June 2023)
“Artificial Intelligence, Heidegger, Technology, and Freedom,” Annual Meeting of the Comparative and Continental Philosophy Annual Circle, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park (June 2024)
"Gender Equality, Violence against Women, and Social Media Technology: Towards a New Global Narrative," Workshop on Dialogue Between Civilizations on Global Commons, The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City (June 2023)
"Hermeneutical Phenomenology and the Pre-Cognitive, Practical, and Historical Sources of Concepts," Interlacing Concepts and Practices: Phenomenological Perspectives in Dialogue with Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy, University of Padua, Italy (June 2023)
“Raphael Lemkin, Phenomenology, and the Concept of Genocide,” Society for the Philosophic Study of Genocide and the Holocaust, in association with the American Philosophical Association Central Division, Chicago (February 2020)
“Hannah Arendt, Genocide, and the Task of Philosophy: Between Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Logical Positivism,” Society for Phenomenology and The Human Sciences, in conjunction with the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Pittsburgh (October 2019)
"Tourism as Transformative Experience," International Symposium: Tourism and Culture in Philosophical Perspective, Hvar, Croatia (October 2019)
"Philosophy, History, and 'Fishes in the Sea,'" Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition (PACT), Seattle University (September 2019)
"Catharine MacKinnon's Thought as Philosophy," Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) Conference - Ireland, University College Dublin (May 2018)
"Philosophy in Search of Itself: Reflections on Robert C. Scharff's How History Matters to Philosophy: Rethinking Philosophy's Past After Positivism," (Invited) Panel on his book, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis (October 2017)
"Modern Freedom, Technology, and Pornography: A Feminist and Heideggerian Analysis," Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy, California State Univ Northridge (June 2017)
"Philosophy, Genocide, and Sexual Atrocities," (Invited) NEH Challenge Grant Colloquium on "Gender, Mass Violence, and Genocide," Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives, Queensborough Community College, City University of New York (October 2015)
"Heidegger and the Ubiquity and Invisibility of Pornography in the Internet Age," Presented as part of a panel I organized "Gender, Justice, and Gestell: New Beginnings" at the Heidegger Circle Annual Meeting, Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore (May 2015)
"Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism, and Continental Philosophy," (Invited) Panel celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of Catharine MacKinnon's Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, American Philosophical Association (APA) Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver (April 2015)
"Heidegger, Pornography, and Technology: Rethinking Freedom in the Age of the Internet," Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) -- Ireland, University College Dublin (November 2014)
"Pornography and the Ambivalence of Modernity: A Heideggerian Critique," Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition (PACT), Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles (October 2014)
"Sexual Violence and Objectification: A Heideggerian Historical Analysis from Aristotle to Enlightenment Political Thought," American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago (Aug.-Sept. 2013); also presented as an invited lecture at Kennesaw State University, Georgia (November 2012)
"Pornography, Technology, and Closing off the Possibilities of Authentic Mitsein," Conference on "Discovering the 'We': The Phenomenology of Sociality," University College Dublin, Ireland (May 2013); also presented a version at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (March 2013)
Organized and moderated "A Conversation with Karsten Harries" at The 47th Annual Meeting of the Heidegger Circle, New Haven, CT (May 2013)
"The Imperative of 'Thinking' After Auschwitz: The Genealogy of the Concept of Genocidal Rape," Society for the Philosophical Study of Genocide and the Holocaust at the American Philosophical Association (APA) Central Division Meeting, New Orleans (February 2013)
"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite: Wollstonecraft contra Rousseau contra Aristotle," Northeastern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston (November 2012)
"Hannah Arendt, the United Nations, and the Srebrenica (Bosnia) Genocide," International Political Science Association World Congress, Madrid, Spain (July 2012)