A Late Night Tradition UK Students Love
Food, prizes, games, music & more will round out the annual Crunch Brunch event to help students de-stress in preparation for finals.
Food, prizes, games, music & more will round out the annual Crunch Brunch event to help students de-stress in preparation for finals.
Workshop for possible career choices for multi-lingual students
On November 10, 2011 the University of Kentucky College of Arts & Sciences hosted a trailblazing American diplomat to continue the college's Year of China initiative.
Former U.S. Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch spoke on “Leadership and Education in a Globalizing World: China’s Challenge”
Sponsored by the "Passport to China: Global Issues & Local Understanding" course taught by UK sociology Professor Keiko Tanaka.
For more about Ambassador Bloch and other Year of China information, please visit china.as.uky.edu
Gender Women Studies Symposium on War and Gender
Craig Saper Associate Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Maryland Baltimore County "A 'Top 20 Plan' For Writing, Part 5: Learn To Read Online Visually "
The UK Confucius Institute welcomes University of Vermont emeritus professor of education Juefei Wang to campus next week to discuss the current state of Chinese education in the U.S. and around the world.
With the help of the Office of the Vice President for Research, several UK college deans and infrastructure grants such as the university's recent Clinical and Translational Science Award, UK statisticians in the departments of Statistics and Biostatistics opened UK's first Applied Statistics Lab, which they hope will be the new face of statistical analysis on campus.
The Kentucky Geological Survey at the University of Kentucky celebrated a major achievement today in the mapping of Kentucky's geology.
The iPad is an amazing piece of technology that can take us anywhere we want to go. But, aside from being a portal to the internet, game console, and personal music machine (iTunes – you’ve probably lost count of the songs you’ve downloaded), it also has applications that can be functional in the classroom.
Young people from the Appalachian Media Institute (AMI) will be showcasing three films on campus this week that give a realistic look at Appalachia.