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university of kentucky

Wired Coffee Chat With Dr. Melynda Price

Thinking about law school? Dr. Melynda Price of the UK College of Law will be giving a talk in the lobby of Keeneland Hall as part of the Wired Coffee Chat series. Dr. Price's research focuses on race, gender and citizenship, the politics of punishments, and hte role of law in the politics of race and enthnicity. FREE coffee, hot chocolate, tea, & snacks!

Wednesday January 25, 4:00p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Keeneland Hall Lobby

Allan Butterfield: UK Alumni Association Endowed Professor of Biological Chemistry - UK at the Half with Carl Nathe

Allan Butterfield, professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center of Membrane Sciences, has been named a UK Alumni Association Endowed Professor. Butterfield's research tackles issues surrounding Alzheimer's Disease and related research areas in biological chemistry. Carl Nathe, host of UK at the Half, interviewed him for the radio program, which airs during each UK football game.

Community Day of Writing at the Lexington Farmers Market

WHAT: Community Day of Writing at the Lexington Farmers Market

WHERE: Victorian Square

WHEN: Saturday, Feburary 11, 8:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.

Students in the UK College of Arts & Sciences will be recording oral histories and scanning photos, posters, and any other memorabilia from Lexington Farmers Market supporters. Drop by the atrium at Victorian Square between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to share your memories or your memoriabilia with student oral historians. Help preserve the community's memories of the Lexington Farmers Market. For more information contact Professor Jenny Rice at

Download the flyer.

Atrium at Victorian Square

Dissertation Defense of M. Elena Aldea Agudo

The Department of Hispanic Studies is announcing the dissertation defense of M. Elena Aldea Agudo on Friday, March 2, 11AM-1PM in 1145 Patterson Office Tower.  The title of her dissertation is: Retóricas del Imperio: El Discurso Falangista en Torno a la Guerra (1939-1943).

Download the flyer here.

1145 POT
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