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university of kentucky

STA 210: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning

The goal of this course is to help students develop or refine their statistical literacy skills. Both the informal activity of human inference arising from statistical constructs, as well as the more formal perspectives on statistical inference found in confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are studied. Throughout, the emphasis is on understanding what distinguishes good and bad inferential reasoning in the practical world around us.

ENG 331: Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to Milton with Dr. Giancarlo

A survey of British literature from the Old English period (5th-11th century) to the English Commonwealth and Restoration (17th century). Special emphasis is given to Beowulf; medieval romances, drama, and lyric; Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales; Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene; Renaissance sonnets; Shakespeare's King Lear and Twelfth Night; and John Milton's Paradise Lost. Assignments include reading, on-line lectures/presentations, and some exercises. Grading includes regular quizzes, mid-term, and final. This on-line course fulfills ENG 331 for all the regular English major requirements
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