uk core
Ghosts of Doctors Past with Melissa Stein
Medical standards and procedures have been sharply influenced by the past - shaped by social context and a great deal of trial and error. A new course, GWS 309: Health, History, & Human Diversity, will focus on how health care and the medical field has been shaped around social constructions of gender, race, and diversity throughout its history, continuing to play a role in contemporary medicine.
Math for Poets
A&S Kickoff Promotes Summer Courses, Resource for Choosing Courses
The History of Hip: Thomas Marksbury
The words “hip” and “hipster” carry around a lot of baggage. Often, due to misconceptions, "hipster" is used as an insult meant to suggest some sort of failed or inauthentic attempt at being "hip." But what if that isn’t what “hip” is? What if “hip” isn’t some obsession with the fleeting but a more permanent state?
Knowledge and Reality: Philosophy 100 with Amanda Lusky
Philosophy 100 satisfies a UK Core requirement in Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities - and Amanda Lusky describes what it entails. Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality explains metaphysics and epistemology, two central tenets of philosophy, and strives to connect the ways that fields of knowledge intersect and overlap.
This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.
UKC 120: Physics of Energy with Joseph Straley
We hear a lot about "energy independence" and "renewable energy," but what do those terms actually mean? A class is being offered to answer these questions and introduce students to concepts and debates around energy: where it comes from, how we use it, and what the future of energy looks like.