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arts & sciences

iPad App demonstration With Physics Professor Mike Cavagnero

The 26 A&S Wired students registered for Mike Cavagnero's eight-week class: "The Science of Measurement" tackle projects from around campus and complete the endeavors using iPad measuring tools. The iPad can serve as a compass to measure magnetic fields, has a built-in camera, so it can serve as a spectrometer to measure light sources and an accelerometer, which can measure how fast it is moving. Watch Mike Cavagnero show off a couple of the capabilities of the iPad.

The High Energy Theory Group: Particle Physics, String Theory, and the Big Bang with Sumit Das

In the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the High Energy Theory Group is a collection of faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers, investigating the origin and nature of matter and forces. The six faculty members of the group are Sumit Das, Terrence Draper, Michael Eides, Bing-An Li, Keh-Fei Liu, and Alfred Shapere. In this interview, Sumit Das describes the diverse research goals of the group, talks about applying string theory to the origins of the universe, and tells young physicists to follow their hearts.
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