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arts & sciences

What's New in Science - Ganpathy Murthy Part 2

Ganpathy Murthy, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, speaks about Big Bang Theory, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Part 2 - What’s the Evidence for the Big Bang and Expansion of the Universe? What Do We Measure and How? What’s the evidence? How we know the Big Bang happened, and that the universe is expanding and accelerating. How we measure how fast different parts of the Universe are moving away.

Classics Students Awarded Otis Singletary Fellowship

The fellowship is a one-time scholarship awarded to graduating seniors who are continuing their post-baccalaureate education at UK. Paralleling the growth of the classics program, awards such as these contribute to the continued success in attracting some of the best students from around the world, and especially in keeping the ones who already call the classics program home.
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