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Making international connections is an essential aspect of our work as a University in the changing political climate. Department of Anthropology Assistant Professor <a href="http://www.as.uky.edu/academics/departments_programs/Anthropology/Anthr…; target="_blank">Diane King</a> has just returned from a seminar in the United Kingdom where she spoke at a seminar on genocide in Iraq.</p>
<p>Diane has been carrying out ethnographic research in the Kurdistan Region since 1995. She is editor of the book "<a href="http://routledgesociology.com/books/Middle-Eastern-Belongings-isbn97804…; target="_blank">Middle Eastern Belongings</a>," which has just been published by Routledge. She is interested in kinship and descent structures and the ways in which they help to produce identity categories. Her talk was called, “Kinship and Descent Structures within the State: Contributors to Genocide?”<br />
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<span>See the full article <a href="http://www.as.uky.edu/news_events/news/Pages/Diane%20King%20Visits%20Un…; target="_blank">here.</a></span></p>