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Since I am only in Germany for 4-weeks, my program is jam packed with activity after activity. In most occasions this is great, here are some ex’s:

Ø  Berlin Zoo (ooooh a plecostomus)

Ø  Wittenberg

Ø  Potsdam Adventure Park/Rope’s Course (feel the burn!)

Ø  Open Concert by Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

The last activity on the list, however, carried a pretty interesting evening. After awkwardly smashed against Berliners in the rain for 30 minutes, I proceeded to enter the OUTDOOR Olympic stadium where the groups annually play. Before the procession of beautiful music, I spent my time arranging the perfekt tent using my umbrella and a few pages of Deutsch Vogue. Although showers of rain or neighbors grunting to my overwhelmingly intrusive umbrella constantly interrupted me, I enjoyed a glorious hour of orchestral gold that was simply unforgettable. Such a sad/annoying/awesome time! (picture is me wiith another lovely member from the trip, Brooke Wilson)

