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JN Keller

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Butterfield, D. ., Poon, H. ., St Clair, D. ., Keller, J. ., Pierce, W. ., Klein, J. ., & Markesbery, W. . (2006). Redox proteomics identification of oxidatively modified hippocampal proteins in mild cognitive impairment: insights into the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Disease, 22(2), 223-32.
Abdul, M. ., Sultana, R. ., Keller, J. ., St Clair, D. ., Markesbery, W. ., & Butterfield, D. . (2006). Mutations in amyloid precursor protein and presenilin-1 genes increase the basal oxidative stress in murine neuronal cells and lead to increased sensitivity to oxidative stress mediated by amyloid beta-peptide (1-42), HO and kainic acid: implications.. Journal of Neurochemistry, 96(5), 1322-35.
Steiner, M. ., Holtsberg, F. ., Keller, J. ., Mattson, M. ., & Steiner, S. . (2000). Lysophosphatidic acid induction of neuronal apoptosis and necrosis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 905, 132-41.
Geddes, J. ., , & Keller, J. . (1994). Effects of intrahippocampal colchicine administration on the levels and localization of microtubule-associated proteins, tau and MAP2. Brain Research, 633(1-2), 1-8. (Original work published 1994)
Geddes, J. ., Panchalingam, K. ., Keller, J. ., & Pettegrew, J. . (1969). Elevated phosphocholine and phosphatidylcholine following rat entorhinal cortex lesions. Neurobiology of Aging, 18(3), 305-8. (Original work published 1969)
Keller, J. ., Pang, Z. ., Geddes, J. ., Begley, J. ., Germeyer, A. ., Waeg, G. ., & Mattson, M. . (1997). Impairment of glucose and glutamate transport and induction of mitochondrial oxidative stress and dysfunction in synaptosomes by amyloid beta-peptide: role of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69(1), 273-84.
Brown, M. ., , Keller, J. ., Thorpe, J. ., & Geddes, J. . (2005). Proteasome or calpain inhibition does not alter cellular tau levels in neuroblastoma cells or primary neurons. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD, 7(1), 15-24.
Keller, J. ., Steiner, M. ., Mattson, M. ., & Steiner, S. . (1996). Lysophosphatidic acid decreases glutamate and glucose uptake by astrocytes. Journal of Neurochemistry, 67(6), 2300-5.
Holtsberg, F. ., Steiner, M. ., Furukawa, K. ., Keller, J. ., Mattson, M. ., & Steiner, S. . (1997). Lysophosphatidic acid induces a sustained elevation of neuronal intracellular calcium. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69(1), 68-75.
Keller, J. ., Steiner, M. ., Holtsberg, F. ., Mattson, M. ., & Steiner, S. . (1997). Lysophosphatidic acid-induced proliferation-related signals in astrocytes. Journal of Neurochemistry, 69(3), 1073-84.