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K Taskén

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Carlson, C. ., Witczak, O. ., Vossebein, L. ., Labbé, J. ., Skålhegg, B. ., Keryer, G. ., … Taskén, K. . (2001). CDK1-mediated phosphorylation of the RIIalpha regulatory subunit of PKA works as a molecular switch that promotes dissociation of RIIalpha from centrosomes at mitosis. Journal of Cell Science, 114(Pt 18), 3243-54.
Fax, P. ., Carlson, C. ., Collas, P. ., Taskén, K. ., Esche, H. ., & Brockmann, D. . (2001). Binding of PKA-RIIalpha to the Adenovirus E1A12S oncoprotein correlates with its nuclear translocation and an increase in PKA-dependent promoter activity. Virology, 285(1), 30-41. (Original work published 2001)