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T Schneider

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Schneider, T. ., Sundell, J. ., Bischof, W. ., Bohgard, M. ., Cherrie, J. ., Clausen, P. ., … Skyberg, K. . (2003). ’EUROPART’. Airborne particles in the indoor environment. A European interdisciplinary review of scientific evidence on associations between exposure to particles in buildings and health effects. Indoor Air, 13(1), 38-48. Retrieved from
Preußer, C. ., Hung, L. ., Schneider, T. ., Schreiner, S. ., Hardt, M. ., Moebus, A. ., … Bindereif, A. . Selective release of circRNAs in platelet-derived extracellular vesicles. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 7(1), 1424473. (Original work published 2018)