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B Lygren

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Lygren, B. ., Carlson, C. ., Santamaria, K. ., , McSorley, T. ., Litzenberg, J. ., … Klussmann, E. . (2007). AKAP complex regulates Ca2+ re-uptake into heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. EMBO Reports, 8(11), 1061-7.
Gold, M. ., Lygren, B. ., Dokurno, P. ., Hoshi, N. ., McConnachie, G. ., Taskén, K. ., … Barford, D. . (2006). Molecular basis of AKAP specificity for PKA regulatory subunits. Molecular Cell, 24(3), 383-95. (Original work published 2006)
Carlson, C. ., Lygren, B. ., Berge, T. ., Hoshi, N. ., Wong, W. ., Taskén, K. ., & Scott, J. . (2006). Delineation of type I protein kinase A-selective signaling events using an RI anchoring disruptor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(30), 21535-21545. (Original work published 2006)
Lygren, B. ., Taskén, K. ., & Carlson, C. . (2005). A fast and sensitive method for isolation of detergent-resistant membranes from T cells. Journal of Immunological Methods, 305(2), 199-205. (Original work published 2005)